A young man went to church and heard his pastor declare "I see you changing level when you serve God" and he harkened to the word and became a church worker.

A month later,he came for a thanksgiving Sunday service and the pastor made an alter call " if you wish to drive your own car this month, come out" the young man came out but some people began to mock him because he was an ordinary cleaner with a salary not even good enough for him to neither have a girlfriend nor get married. With tears in his eyes,he held strongly to his faith and hackened to the prophetic words .

The next day(Monday) he got to work and while working, he was declaring " I must drive my car this month" and the boss was seriously looking at him with disgust.
 The next day, he kept prophesying and the boss's anger kept increasing.
 The third day,d same thing happened and the boss couldn't hold his anger anymore
 "Come here you idiot,so you have been trying to mock me hmm! So you think I can't buy you a car?  You are a very foolish man"( ahhhhh! Am sincerely sorry sir he exclaimed, I was only making a prophetic declaration on my life,I never knew I was disturbing you) "You must be very stupid now, follow me "
(The young man followed his boss with so much fear )

"So you have been trying to mock me? You think I can't buy you a car? Now pick your choice of car and get out"


When you serve God, doors open for you. Numbers 18:31

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