You’ve heard that saying right? When things are tough and you don’t know what to do, there’s always that person who will say, “Just fake it ’til you make it!”.
What does that mean anyway? Pretend you’re okay when you’re not? Pretend you like someone when you don’t? Pretend you can afford it when you can’t? Pretend you’re happy when you’re not?

I think today something that is plaguing our society is the over-abundance of fakes. Influenced by the pressure of social media, people are becoming less genuine, less authentic and more and more fake. I think the bombardment of social media is stunting people’s ability to know who they truly are. Instead, they mimic what they see portrayed and attempt to be the coolest version of what fills their News Feed.
So, what to do? I think the first step is to admit that there is pressure to be who you’re not. It’s much easier to be fake than to know who you really are and stick to it!
How to be the real deal?
Say what you mean and mean what you say
Genuine people are true to their word. Don’t be flaky with people. Show up on time. Do what you said you would do. This will go a long way in our families, relationships and work places.
Be okay with not being liked
Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay! I know it’s hard to hear but really, if you’re going to stay true to who you are, you are going to have to be okay if not everybody likes you.
Be aware of others in the room
Take your focus off yourself for a moment and look around the room. Are people shy, intimidated, lonely, insecure? Don’t add to that, be the solution. Sometimes we are so focused on how we are feeling that we very rarely see the needs of people around us. Reach out to them, be the friend they need, the listening ear. You’ll be glad you did!
As I mentioned earlier, a big reason why so many of us are fake is because we don’t know who we really are. We don’t know why we were created or what we were created for. You don’t have to live this way!
The Bible says that you were created by God, on purpose, because He loves you and He has a marvellous plan for why He created you.
So come on everyone, enough with the fakes and phonies. Let’s be a people who are real, authentic and genuine. We can make this world a better place!

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