1. A 2011 study found that in half of the patients admitted to the
hospital for fractured joysticks, they occurred during an affair.
Researchers believe that a man may be extra excited during an
affair and he may be having sex in awkward places.

2. Women tend to cheat for emotional satisfaction. Men cheat
more from sexual motivation.
3. Infidelity is not the leading cause of divorce. While an affair
can destroy a marriage, the main reason for divorce is 'Money'
4. There are certain red flags that signify a partner may be
cheating, such as a sudden shift in behavior, either positive or
negative. If a partner suddenly becomes super critical, he or she
may be setting up the other person to be at fault for his or her
5. Another sign is partners becoming unnecessarily generous,
such as with gifts often they are doing it out of guilt.
6. Infidelity does not mean the marriage is over. Over 50% of
marriages survive infidelity, although they may still break down
from other underlying problems in the future.
7. If a partner is unfaithful, it is not the other spouse’s fault, no
matter how terrible the spouse or the marriage may be. When a
person cheats, he or she is making a conscious choice to do it.
8. A July 2011 study suggested that men who were easily
aroused and men who suffered from performance anxiety were
more likely to cheat. Women who felt sexually unsatisfied were
more like to cheat.
9. Business trips are the most common settings for infidelity.
More than one-third (36%) of men and 13% of women in one
study reported that they gave in to temptation on a business
trips. The temptation to cheat was especially high during the 6th
– 9th years of marriage, when relationships are the most fragile
10. Nearly 1/3 (32%) of women who admitted to acting on
sexual temptation said it was with an old boyfriend or crush,
compared to 21% of men. For many people, old flames never
11. In surveys that ask adulterers whether they want to leave their
marriages, the majority says no.
12. Researchers note that infidelities have increased even when
divorce has become available, accepted, and largely non
13. Approximately 9% of men and 14% of women said they had
sex with someone else as revenge for their partner’s infidelity.
14. Boredom was the reason 71% of men in a national study
cheated and 49% of women cheated. Even people who were very
happy in their relationship admitted to curing their sexual
boredom with someone else.
15. Cheating men rarely tell their wives they cheated. Without
being asked, just 7% of men admitted to their wives that they
cheated. Approximately 68% of men never admit to cheating or
do so only after their wives have concrete evidence of the
16. Approximately 68% of men who cheat feel guilt during the
affair. Though, obviously, guilt doesn’t seem to be enough to
stop a man from cheating.
17. For ladies, it might be in the genes.
18. The risk of having a heart attack during sex is very low;
however, research has found that when heart attacks do occur
during sex, they’re more likely to happen to men when they’re
cheating compared to when they’re having sex with a spouse.
Why? Some scientists have argued that cheating induces
psychological distress (e.g., by creating feelings of guilt, anxiety,
or stress) that, in turn, can have a negative effect on
cardiovascular function.
19. There is some truth to the old saying “once a cheater, always
a cheater,” because research has found that a majority people
who admit to infidelity say they’ve done it more than once.
However, this isn’t true across the board. Whether a cheater is
likely to cheat again depends upon their reasons for cheating in
the first place.

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